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We look forward to helping you with your transport needs.

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RB & Son Transport (Cape) has been active in the transport industry for over 25 years and has almost a century’s worth of experience between top management. Specializing in the transportation of hazardous cargo, RB & Son Transport is among the major players in the transport industry and has set the benchmark for how things should be done since its inception.

RB & Son Cape Town

5 - 7 Ipswich Road Rondevallei Kuilsriver Cape Town

021 557 5112

Emergency contact/Afterhours: Bruce: 0824130185 Richard: 0824582108

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1 + 8 =


17 Kurland Road, Perseverance, Port Elizabeth.

PE 021 557 5112 Option 4

Emergency contact/Afterhours: Bruce: 0824130185 Richard: 0824582108